Adding a Fish Pond

Adding a Fish Pond

When winter is finally over and you can venture out into your garden, what would suddenly make it come to life – Well, millions of people actually think about adding a Fish Pond or Water Feature.

Whether you decide on round preformed ponds, big preformed ponds, rigid pool liners, circular pond liners or a preformed rectangular pond it matters not.

You may want preformed rectangular pond liners or one of the other many pond liners available, it’s simply a matter of choice.

Firstly you need to decide where you want it situated before adding a Fish Pond, then the size and equipment will be dictated by whether you want koi fish (Or fish koi as my son calls them!), or simple goldfish and then do you actually want fish in a pond or some other water carrying device.

Unless there’s some other water source right nearby, providing fresh water, in addition to nectar plants – The key to encouraging the essential pollinators such as birds, bees, butterflies and their friends – Frogs, and other small wildlife, all of which make your garden their favourite hangout.

Wow! That’s my kind of party.

Check out – Tips for Building a Fish Pond

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